“Need to support the development and realization of senior people potential”

In our eventForum “Education for Elderly People”, we gathered 160 participants from civil society organizations, libraries, and territorial centers that provide social services from all regional centers of Ukraine, residents of Vinnitsa and its district. Experts in adult education and lifelong learning from Germany, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, the Netherlands and Georgia provided their expertise.

International Forum and activities in its locations facilitated dialogue between providers of educational services in the sphere of formal and non-formal education for the elderly, public authorities, and civil society organizations that understand how important it is to create a lifelong learning system in Ukraine.

We aimed at promotion and dissemination of various models of cooperation between civil society, educational institutions and authorities in provision of educational services for the elderly.

We managed to define the leading ideas and directions for writing relevant programs and policy documents, taking into account the specific features of the educational potential of Ukraine.

The main result of the Forum was the active promotion and support at the national and regional level of the concept of lifelong education, which will contribute to an increase in the educational, professional and cultural level of the elderly.

A social dialogue between partners was established in the context of educating people of respectable age in Ukraine, the potential of participants in improvement of life quality of the elderly in Ukraine was improved, development of adult education aimed at meeting the individual needs of citizens in personal and professional growth was emphasised.

In the future, we are planning to develop a partner organizations network that will be able to advocate and lobby issues of promoting the interests of older people at a professional and high-quality level. Together with the authorities we want to develop programs and reshape the existing urban development strategies towards priorities for the support of education and training of seniors.

Our message: It is necessary to formulate the priorities of state and local policies towards the support for the development and realization of senior people potential, to support and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and professionalization of trainers that provide educational services for the elderly in Ukraine.

Anna Morgun, Deputy Head of the Board of Non-Governmental Organisation ’Center Podillya-Socium’







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